Research Topics
Publications on Monetary systems
The High Cost of the Strong Peso and Its Temporary Nature: The Case of Mexico
Working Paper No. 1075 | January 2025The article analyzes why exchange rate stability has been prioritized in Mexico and why the national currency has appreciated; which policies and factors have made this possible, the costs and consequences of the strong peso, and its sustainability and temporality are also examined. Mexico’s economy does not have the endogenous conditions necessary to maintain such a strong currency—which has relied on the inflow of capital, thus exposing the economy to high vulnerability vis-à-vis the behavior of capital flows. The exchange rate stability has been very costly, due to the fact that there is no longer an economic policy in favor of growth; furthermore, the entry of capital leads to continuous productive imbalances which are behind the external deficit. In essence, Mexico has fallen into the Ponzi effect, whereby debt covers the deficit and pays off debt.
This article posits that an effective, flexible exchange rate should be used to lower the interest rate and increase public spending in favor of growth and employment, and that economic policy should aim to encourage import substitution and increase the domestic value added of exports in order to reduce the external deficit and capital inflow requirements. This should be accompanied by regulating the movement of goods and capital to avoid speculation and protect domestic production from imports, in turn allowing for a more flexible economic policy in favor of the productive sector and employment. Lastly, the article proposes that the economy should be financed with its own currency to boost growth potential and reduce the foreign trade deficit in order to avoid relying on external financing.Download:Associated Programs:Author(s):Arturo Huerta G. -
Seismic Shifts in Economic Theory and Policy: from the Bernanke Doctrine to Modern Money Theory
Working Paper No. 1064 | December 2024Originally issued as EDI Working Paper No. 08, 2022
This paper evaluates the relationship between monetary and fiscal policy and the relative effectiveness of macroeconomic stabilization through the lens of Modern Money Theory (MMT). We articulate previously-neglected aspects of monetary sovereignty to offer a new interpretation of the Bernanke Doctrine that emerged in the wake of the 2008 Global Financial crisis. This Doctrine validated key MMT precepts and paved the way for fiscal policy activism in response to COVID19. The paper argues that fiscal and monetary policy coordination is not new or rare. It is an intrinsic feature of sovereign monetary regimes, allowing for more effective policy responses to financial crises or pandemics. To the extent that monetary policy is able to stabilize an unstable economy, it is largely due to its fiscal components. This recognition also calls for a rethinking of fiscal policy.Download:Associated Programs:Author(s): -
In Defense of Low Interest Rates
Policy Note 2023/3 | July 2023In recalling John Maynard Keynes’s revolutionary theory of interest, reviewing the doctrines Keynes sought to overthrow, and analyzing the structural transformations of the US economy, James K. Galbraith maintains there is no alternative to a policy of low interest rates. However, such a policy cannot be effective, he argues, without a radical restructuring of the US economy as a whole.Download:Associated Program:Author(s): -
On the Centrality of Redemption
Working Paper No. 890 | May 2017Linking the State and Credit Theories of Money through a Financial Approach to Money
The paper presents a financial approach to monetary analysis that links the credit and state theories of money. A premise of the functional approach to money is that “money is what money does.” In this approach, monetary and mercantile mechanics are conflated, which leads to the conclusion that unconvertible monetary instruments are worthless. The financial approach to money strictly separates the two mechanics and argues that major monetary disruptions occurred when the two were conflated. Monetary instruments have always been promissory notes. As such, their financial characteristics are central to their value and liquidity. One of the main financial requirements of any monetary instrument is that it be redeemable at any time. As long as this is the case, the fair value of an unconvertible monetary instrument is its face value. While the functional approach does not recognize the centrality of redemption, the paper shows that redemption plays a critical role in the state and credit views of money. Payments due to issuer and/or convertibility on demand are central to the possibility of par circulation. The paper shows that this has major implications for monetary analysis, both in terms of understanding monetary history and in terms of performing monetary analysis.
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Financial Stability and Secure Currency in a Modern Context
Working Paper No. 877 | November 2016Against the background of modern-day monetary proposals, ranging from a return to the gold standard to the wholesale abolition of currency, this paper seeks to draw implications from David Ricardo’s Proposals for an Economical and Secure Currency for plans to reform the operation of central banks and extraordinary monetary policy. Although 200 years old, the “Ingot plan,” proposed during a period in which gold convertibility was suspended, appears to be applicable to modern monetary conditions and suggests possible avenues of reform.
Download:Associated Program:Author(s):Jan Kregel -
The “Keynesian Moment” in Policymaking, the Perils Ahead, and a Flow-of-funds Interpretation of Fiscal Policy
Working Paper No. 614 | August 2010With the global crisis, the policy stance around the world has been shaken by massive government and central bank efforts to prevent the meltdown of markets, banks, and the economy. Fiscal packages, in varied sizes, have been adopted throughout the world after years of proclaimed fiscal containment. This change in policy regime, though dubbed the “Keynesian moment,” is a “short-run fix” that reflects temporary acceptance of fiscal deficits at a time of political emergency, and contrasts with John Maynard Keynes’s long-run policy propositions. More important, it is doomed to be ineffective if the degree of tolerance of fiscal deficits is too low for full employment.
Keynes’s view that outside the gold standard fiscal policies face real, not financial, constraints is illustrated by means of a simple flow-of-funds model. This shows that government deficits do not take financial resources from the private sector, and that demand for net financial savings by the private sector can be met by a rising trade surplus at the cost of reduced consumption, or by a rising government deficit financed by the monopoly supply of central bank credit. Fiscal deficits can thus be considered functional to the objective of supplying the private sector with a provision of financial wealth sufficient to restore demand. By contrast, tax hikes and/or spending cuts aimed at reducing the public deficit lower the available savings of the private sector, and, if adopted too soon, will force the adjustment by way of a reduction of demand and standard of living.
This notion, however, is not applicable to the euro area, where constraints have been deliberately created that limit public deficits and the supply of central bank credit, thus introducing national solvency risks. This is a crucial flaw in the institutional structure of Euroland, where monetary sovereignty has been removed from all existing fiscal authorities. Absent a reassessment of its design, the euro area is facing a deflationary tendency that may further erode the economic welfare of the region.
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