News & Events
Conference | April 2019
28th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference
Financial Stability, Economic Policy, and Economic Nationalism
A conference organized by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard CollegeLevy Economics Institute of Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York 12504
April 17, 2019
As the US economy enters what appears to be a historically long postcrisis expansion, there are increasing signs of deceleration against the backdrop of a looming global recession. Marking the 100-year anniversary of Hyman Minsky's birth, the 28th Annual Minsky Conference highlighted the possibility of increasing financial instability and the challenge of developing policies to meet the rising risk of recession. Speakers from government regulatory bodies, the private sector, and academia shed light on conditions in the US and Europe, with special emphasis on the impact of the Trump administration’s policies with regards to a possible repeat of the 2008 financial crisis. The highlights of the conference included presentations by the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the First Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; European conditions were the focus of the former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, while private sector analysts from hedge funds and policy think-tanks assessed the potential for current economic policies to confront the challenge of prolonging the recovery. Particular emphasis was given to the analysis of the increasing stock of private corporate debt and rising house prices, which in both the US and Europe have reached levels similar to or higher than those seen before the Great Recession.
To view the program, as well as access conference audio and PowerPoint presentations, please visit the conference website.
Click here for video coverage of the individual speakers and panels.