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Lecture | November 2013
Rania Antonopoulos: Responding to the Unemployment Crisis in Greece
Presented as part of the MMx seminar “The Disparate Impact of Unemployment: Macroeconomic Policy as a Tool for Race, Gender, and Age Discrimination,” hosted by the Modern Money Network
Columbia University, New York
November 25, 2013
Rania Antonopoulos, senior scholar and director of the Levy Institute’s Gender Equality and the Economy program, outlines her proposal for an employer-of-last-resort program in Greece. The lecture is available on YouTube.
November 25, 2013
Rania Antonopoulos, senior scholar and director of the Levy Institute’s Gender Equality and the Economy program, outlines her proposal for an employer-of-last-resort program in Greece. The lecture is available on YouTube.
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